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Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Lawsuit with Girardi Keese against Sotret

I just got a phone call from a representative from Girardi Keese and the lawsuit against Ranbaxy Pharmaceuticals is under way. Honestly though, I would rather have my original health over any monetary compensation. Being afflicted with a chronic disease at this age can only mean worse in the later years of my life.

When I first found out I had ulcerative colitis I was angry at everyone, the doctor, my family, myself. How could my body be so weak? This condition is disabling in the sense that your frequently have to use the bathroom during flares, and complications can lead to the entire removal of the large intestine, called an ileostmy.

I pray that I will never need to do such a thing.


  1. nice ! I like your blog, I'll visit it regularly

  2. I will pray with ya.

  3. I would love to follow this blog, but I have no clue where the 'follow' link it!

  4. God bless you!

  5. Goodluck, I'm sure even though you wont get your health back, at least some monetary compensation will help.

  6. Keep up hope! The best you can do for yourself is to try to live and cope with your disease. You also have peple who are more than happy to support you in your endouvers!
